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Naragansett Pacer
The Naragansett Pacer was the first horse breed bred in the United States, but unfortunately it is now extinct. Sales to the Caribbean and cross-breeding diminished the breed to the point of extinction, and the last known Pacer died around 1880. Historical records show that many famous personages owned Pacers, George Washington among them. The […]
Green Iguana
What are some facts about the Green Iguana? The Green Iguana is bred in captivity in Central and South America and imported into the U.S. They are also some bred in the U.S. Either make good pets. The Green Iguana is a vibrant shade of green with a long, straight tail. They live over 20 […]
Training Your Dog in Case of Fire
Dogs often warn their family of a fire in the home, but sadly are often left behind. They sometimes are too fearful of leaving the place they think of as a safe haven no matter how dangerous it is in a disaster. Just as you train your dog to sit, come, stay, etc. you can […]