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Cats and 9 Lives – Myth or Fact?
Because cats have such keen senses and often survive situations that other animals might not, they were thought to have many lives. The origin of the myth of nine lives however is a bit cloudy. Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable explains the myth of a cat’s nine lives because it’s hold on life is […]
Is Your Cat a Bully?
A bully cat can be a problem, especially if s/he is bullying another of your cats. Cat behavior is difficult to change, but not impossible. Here are some suggestions that may slow down the bully. Spay/neuter all the cats in your house. Hormones can increase aggression and eliminating them can help. Have a separate litter […]
Is Your Bird Overweight
Is your bird becoming a little butterball? The can happen due to overfeeding and under-exercising. But before you put your bird on a diet, consult with your avian veterinarian to make sure that puffiness is not due to a medical problem. If all is well, you can ask your vet to help you create a […]