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Alert-Wild Mushrooms in Your Garden
This tip came from a friend who told about a family’s 2 dogs who were poisoned by mushrooms in their garden. The family was not aware that there were any mushrooms growing in their garden. But their 2 pugs found them and ate them. When they became ill after a short time, they were taken […]
ALERT – Milk Bone Dog Biscuits
The manufacturer of Milk Bone Dog Biscuits, Del Monte, has voluntarily recalled the product. Milk Bone Dog Biscuits, 10lb., Code #90967, UPC 24000-92502, lot Code 12071k on the box. The product was recalled due to mold found on the biscuits. As there is no further information, the type of mold or danger if consumed is […]
Hyperesthesia Syndrome in Cats
Hyperesthesia Syndrome in cats is known by several names – self-mutilation syndrome, rolling skin syndrome, twitchy cat disease. It is marked by abnormal skin sensitivity. Cats will experience extreme sensitivity along the spine, down the back and base of tail. Signs include biting, licking or chewing the hair causing hair loss and skin problems, rippling […]