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Feeding Problems in Multiple-pet Households
UNEXPECTED ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS NOT KNOWN I’ve heard it said that when one door closes, another opens. From adversity comes light. This is the story of how one rescued cat ended up rescuing a world of multiple-pet owners. FROM DOGS TO CATS After a lifetime of dog ownership, we ended up with two cats. Well, […]
Where Do Exotic Pets Come From
Exotic pets are animals that are wild captured or bred from wild captured animals. Most exotic pets, while cute and cuddly when young, mature into their wild natures. They can become very aggressive as adults. Because these animals were raised in captivity, they don’t have the skills to survive if returned to the wild. Sadly, […]
Mycotoxins in Pet Foods
Mycotoxins are substances produced by fungi and mold. Aflatoxin is a common type of mold. Corn, rice, wheat, nuts, legumes are often contaminated with aflatoxin. Aflatoxins appear when growth is problematic or the products are stored too long and/or under poor conditions. According to the South China Morning Post, aflatoxins, which are potent carcinogens are […]