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U.S. State Animal and Bird Symbols
Symbols are used to communicate many different ideas. The use of symbols dates far back and can be found throughout the Bible. Animals and birds are popularly used as symbols to represent areas of importance. As State symbols, animals and birds representative of each State have special meaning for that State. In 1926, Kentucky was […]
Lorikeets are very colorful, playful birds. There are a number of varieties, but not all are kept as pets. They are sometimes called honeyeaters as their favorite food is nectar. Lorikeets can be found in the East Indies area and western Pacific including 7 species in Australia. Most lorikeets are green with red and yellow […]
Drug Reactions and Interactions in Pets
Everyone can react differently to certain prescribed drugs and the same is true for our pets. Pharmaceutical companies are required to list the side effects of each drug on a slip inserted into the medicine’s container. If the list is not available, your veterinarian can tell you of potential risks to your pet from any […]