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HSUS-10 Top Laws Enacted in 2012
The HSUS works continually to strengthen existing animal welfare laws and fight for more animal rights and protection laws. Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of HSUS, chose these 10 laws passed in states during 2012 as representing important steps in animal rights. 1. California banned the cruel “sport” of hound hunting of bobcats and bears, […]
HSUS-Protect Maryland’s Dogs
August 2012 Maryland’s Court of Appeals ruled that “pit bull” dogs are “inherently dangerous.” This makes the state of Maryland’s policy toward dogs the most unfriendly in the United States. In essence, the ruling states that if a pet bull dog injures someone, not only is the dog owner liable, but so is the owner […]
Snack Bags Pose a Danger for Pets
If you have a pet that’s a chowhound, you know they will search for food in some odd places. When my pets hear the crinkle of a bag being opened, they come running hoping I will share some goodies with them. As bad as the snacks themselves are for them, the bags they come in […]