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Animal welfare organizations are often at odds with big industries, which make a lot of money using animals for food, entertainment and clothing. Animal rights organizations object to all use of animals for human pleasure, but other organizations work to limit cruelty and abuse in some industries and to abolish others entirely. All big industries, […]
Are Cat Owners Smarter than Dog Owners?
Almost like the battle of the sexes, the battle between who’s better, cats or dogs, seems to have raged on for centuries. People have a fondness for both types of creatures, as well as plenty of others, and have brought them home, making them a part of the family. Considering that they don’t have to […]
Why Do Cats Hoard Object and Bring Us “Gifts”
Years ago my Dad had a pharmacy and as a lover of animals, he kept a cat there. Terramycin (named for an antibiotic) wandered into the pharmacy one day and made it her home. Then we discovered she was pregnant. Terra, as we affectionately called her, soon gave birth to one little kitten whom we […]