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Do Our Pets Enjoy Being Our One and Onlys
From studies conducted and my own observations, the results are some pets enjoy being the only one and some enjoy the company of others. Usually, if socialized early with other animals, your pet will enjoy companionship. It can be difficult to train prey animals and predators to live together peacefully. But it can be done. […]
Mexican Domestic Cat
What is the origin of the Mexican Domestic Cat? The Mexican Domestic Cat was brought to Mexico by the Spanish Conquistadors and is one of the first natural breeds. It was recognized in Mexico in 1978. This cat is an excellent hunter. What does the Mexican Domestic Cat look like? The Mexican Domestic is medium-sized […]
Furless Fur Pets
Those odd-looking creatures without fur are really cats and dogs. They have all the usual parts and characteristics of their species but are without hair. How did they get that way? Hairlessness in cats and dogs is actually a genetic defect. At some point in time, breeders took advantage of this defect and created hairless […]