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Lorikeets are very colorful, playful birds. There are a number of varieties, but not all are kept as pets. They are sometimes called honeyeaters as their favorite food is nectar. Lorikeets can be found in the East Indies area and western Pacific including 7 species in Australia. Most lorikeets are green with red and yellow […]
Plants Highly Toxic to Horses
Fortunately, while many poisonous plants exist, horses will graze on very few of them and usually only when forage is in short supply. Their size may protect them as well. With some plants, horses must consume a large amount over a period of time to have a toxic effect. Plant toxocologist Anthony Knight of Colorado […]
Where Do Exotic Pets Come From
Exotic pets are animals that are wild captured or bred from wild captured animals. Most exotic pets, while cute and cuddly when young, mature into their wild natures. They can become very aggressive as adults. Because these animals were raised in captivity, they don’t have the skills to survive if returned to the wild. Sadly, […]