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Horse Welfare
Through the years, horses have served man willingly, but man has not always treated horses as the loyal companion they are. Horse lovers around the world have advocated for their welfare. We thank them for their diligent efforts on behalf of all horses. Here are a list of articles having to do with Horse Welfare […]
Palm Cockatoo
Where is the Palm Cockatoo from? The Palm Cockatoo comes from Australia and New Guinea. It lives mostly in rain forests. What does the Palm Cockatoo look like? The body and head of the Palm Cockatoo is dark grey to black. It’s about 49-68 cm. long and weighs 500-1,000 gms. It is the second largest […]
Clarke’s Anemonefish
Clarke’s Anemonefish are also called Yellowtail clownfish and are extremely popular aquarium fish. These fish have vivid black, white and yellow stripes, though the exact pattern shows considerable geographical variation. They are natively found in Indo-Pacific waters. Because they are bred in captivity, they are easy to find and reasonably priced. They are a perfect […]