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Your Pet Needs Surgery- No Funds
The cost of pet care along with just about everything has risen considerably. It could be partly due to new equipment and new treatments available for our pets. When emergencies occur, most of us have to dig deep in our pockets to pay the cost of care. Sometimes we have to face the difficult decision […]
Panosteitis in Pets
Panosteitis sometimes referred to as “growing pains” usually occurs in large and giant breed dogs and large size cats between the ages of 5-18 months. Occasionally, middle-aged pets show signs of Pano. Panosteitis is the inflammation of the long tubular bones of the legs. Inflammation can affect more than one limb, but is more common […]
Bird Education
With the support of a $10,000 grant from the Pet Care Trust, the American Federation of Aviculture (AFA) has completed the development of its Fundamentals of Aviculture Level II online course. This course, along with the Level I course, are designed to provide the basics of avian physiology and care. According to Rick Jordan of […]