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Portuguese Water Dog
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Portugal Group: Companion Height: 20-23 in. Weight: 40-60 lbs. Life span: 10-14 yrs. Trainability: moderate Good with children: yes Good with other pets: yes Now that the First Dog, Bo, is a Portuguese Water Dog, I expect this breed to become very popular. What is the origin of the Portuguese […]
Invermectin Sensitivity
Invermectin Sensitivity is a disease is which dogs become overly sensitive to certain drugs including invermectin which is found in some heartworm and mite preparations. Certain breeds are particularly prone to this disease: collies, Australian Shepherd Shetland Sheepdogs, Old English Sheepdogs and English Sheepdogs. In other breeds, excessive doses (10-20X the recommended dose) are dangerous. […]
Choke in Horses
Choke in horses is not the same as it is in humans. Choke in horses occurs when something is lodged in the esophagus. A horse that is experiencing choke can still breathe but cannot swallow due to the obstruction. At greater risk for choke are horses that eat too quickly or horses that cannot chew […]