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Pet Holidays-July/Aug./Sept/ 2012
JULY 2012: Wild About Wildlife Month Dog House Repairs Month July 4th – A fun day for us, but fireworks, noise, BBQs can be scary and hazardous to our pets. Watch them carefully. July 15th – National Pet Fire Safety Day July 31st – Mutts’ Day AUGUST 2012: August 1st – North Shore, the largest […]
Mediterranean Lemmings
Mediterranean Lemmings are rarely seen in captivity. Best housing for a Lemming is an aquarium with a secure mesh top. Bedding can be a small layer of wood shavings with shredded paper or straw on top. Straw is also part of their diet. Cardboard rolls or pvc pipe should be added to the Lemmings a […]
Is Pet Clothing a Good Idea?
Should animals be dressed in clothes? Not everyone agrees on this controversial issue. Some things to consider: In favor of pet clothing Some clothing can protect an animal from the elements. For example, a dog might wear a coat and boots when taking a walk in extremely cold weather. If the clothes are comfortable and […]