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February’s Spay Day
The Humane Society of the United States, the Humane Society International and the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association have organized the last Tuesday of each February as Spay Day, a worldwide event. There will be hundreds of spay/neuter events around the globe to highlight the importance of saving animals’ lives by educating the public on […]
What’s in a Dog’s Name
Names are very important to us. They are part of our identity. A dog’s name is important to him/her too. It’s one of the first words s/he learns to recognize. If you have multiple dogs, each one learns to respond to the sound of his/her name. We’ll refer to the dog as her from now […]
Type of Rodents: Hamsters Mice Gerbils Guinea Pigs Chinchilla Rats Rabbits Exotic Rodents Welcome to the pet rodents page! Please read the following information carefully and do your research before getting any pet. Rodents can be as rewarding and engaging as the larger animals but please don’t make the mistake of thinking they need less […]