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What Are the Differences Between Gerbils and Hamsters?
Gerbils and hamsters are similar animals, but there are important differences between them: Gerbils have long, fur-covered tails that end in a small tuft. Hamsters have tiny stubs for tails, naked of fur. Gerbils tend to stand on their hind legs, while hamsters avoid standing as it takes much more effort for them. Hamsters are […]
Ukranian Levkoy
Where does the Ukranian Levkoy come from? Developed by breeder Elena Biriukana in the Ukraine, the Levkoy is a product of mating between a Scottish Fold male and a Donsky Sphynx female as well as domestic and other oriental cats. The forward folded ears and little or no hair is due to a dominant mutation. […]
Choosing a Pet Groomer
Grooming your pet plays an important role in keeping him/her healthy. With regular brushing we know the state of our pet’s coat, nails, teeth and skin. Choosing the right groomer requires some legwork. Ask for recommendations from your veterinarian, trainer, family, friends, rescue organizations, pet store, boarding kennel. Once you’ve made your choice, check with […]