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10 Most Popular Exotic Pets
Ever wondered what the most unusual pets are? Animal Planet provides us with a list of the 10 most popular exotic pets: Capybaras – The largest rodent in the world, native to South America. Stick Insects – These easy to care for animals are popular pets for children. Miniature Donkeys – These donkeys are almost […]
Insects as the Protein in Pet Food
Before you say “yuck”, think of this – almost one-third of the world’s human population include insects in their diets. Protein as well as Omega 3 found in insects are almost equal in amount to those in fish and meat. Many factors in the world today are putting a strain on the supply of meat […]
Where does the Degu come from? Degus are a type of rodent which are closely related to the chinchilla and Guinea pig, and although they do bear some resemblance to both gerbils and squirrels they are not closely related to these species. They come from central Chile where they live in semi-arid regions at the […]