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Detecting Early Heart Disease
The risk of heart disease in pets generally rises with age. However there can be genetics involved. Heart disease is often referred to as a “silent killer” as diagnosis may be made too late to save the pet. The most common heart diseases seen in pets are: Mitral Valve Disease – a leaky valve allowing […]
Kole (yellow-eyed) Tang
Males and females are up to 6 in. Surgeonfish, Dwarf Angelfish and other Tangs can be aggressive with the Kole. Minimum tank size is 66 gal. Found only in the waters of the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston Islands in the Pacific Ocean. List of Fish Andaman Damselfish Arabian (Orange) Dottyback Asful (Arabian) Angelfish Australian Anemonefish […]
What’s New in Cancer Treatments for Dogs: Page 2
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