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How Can Cats Jump So High
Anyone who shares their home with a cat knows what high jumpers they are. There are few high places in the house that a cat can’t reach. Height seems to give a cat a sense of security. Sitting on a shelf, a fence, a garden wall protects them from any perceived enemies such as a […]
Bandit Angelfish
The Bandit Angelfish is a rare and distinctive fish, found in the Hawaiian and Johnston Islands. One of the smallest of this species, they grow to 7 in. Wrasses, some surgeons and tangs may show aggression while other species are usually peaceful. The minimum size tank is 90 gals. This fish is shy and requires […]
Goffin’s Cockatoo
Where does Goffin’s Cockatoo come from? The Goffin’s Cockatoo’s natural home is in the forest of the Tanimbar Islands of Indonesia. Due to illegal hunting and encroaching civilization, the Goffin’s Cockatoo is on the list of Threatened Species. There are more of these birds in captivity than in the wild. What does Goffin’s Cockatoo look […]