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Adopting a Special Needs Pet
Special needs is a term which covers a range of conditions in pets. It can include animals who are physically disabled, born with a birth defect, a chronic medical condition, behavioral issues, a breed that is in disfavor, an older animal, a too large animal, one with the wrong color, blind or deaf – this […]
Zoonoses are diseases which can be transmitted from animals to humans or from humans to animals (sometimes called reverse zoonoses). Most pets can transmit certain diseases to human beings. Some animal diseases which affect humans are Rabies, Ringworm, Tuberculosis and Cat Scratching Disease, Psittacosis, Leptospirosis. Salmonella is also frequently carried from animal to human. Humans […]
Wyld’s Wingdom to Exhibit at Global Pet Expo
Wyld’s Wingdom is pleased to be exhibiting at the Global Pet Expo on February 29 –March 2, 2012 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Wyld’s Wingdom, a wholesale pet supply distributor for exotic and pet bird products, will be at Booth 3558 to display the various products they distribute and provide knowledge […]