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Leash-Biting Dogs
Unless you have tons of money and can afford a variety of leashes that you don’t mind having destroyed, biting them is a habit to put a halt to. Contrary to the belief of some that dogs bite their leashes to show dominance, we believe they’re just having fun and being their playful selves. Another […]
Dogs Make Their Own Beds
Does your dog turn around several times (according to some, it’s actually 3 times) before lying down? Your dog is only doing what comes naturally. In the wild, dogs looked for a comfortable, safe place to lie down in. They used their paws to trample an area and circled several times, ensuring a soft bed, […]
Horses Care
Horses are such special creatures. From the time thousands of year ago when man first tamed the horse, this wonderful creature has served us. Horses have played a very important role in the development of man. They have enabled early humans to reach far away places with ease. They have transported heavy loads for us, […]