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Spaying/Neutering Pet Pigs
Unless you plan on breeding your pet pig, s/he should be spayed or neutered. Males are neutered and females are spayed. Male pigs are usually smelly and very aggressive if not neutered. Neutering helps avoid infections and cancer of the reproductive organs. Male pot-bellied pigs can become sexually active at 4 weeks old and can […]
No Kill Movie News
On June 6, 2014 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, there will be a premiere showing of “Redemption, the No Kill Revolution in America.” The film is based on Nathan J. Winograd’s book of the same name. Mr. Winograd is the leader of No Kill Advocacy. The showing is open to the public. There will be an after […]
Do Pets Change Your Style
Having pets does change your lifestyle somewhat. Setting up your house, going out, even staying in, vacations. Here are some ways your life can be different. Your pets seem to have a built-in clock. They won’t let you sleep one minute past the time for morning feeding. Or the time for that last walk at […]