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“Bully” Breed Bans
Would you believe that there are at least 75 breeds of dogs that are either banned or regulated, from the small Pug to the giant Great Dane. The main so-called “bully” breeds are the Pitbull and the Rottweiler. <ads media=googleAds1 /> Breed Specific Legislation or BSL as it is known, bans or regulates some dog […]
Hermann’s Tortoise
Hermann’s Tortoise, testudo hermanni, comes from Southern Europe and is sometimes called a Mediterranean tortoise. They are relatively small, at about 6-8 inches with a life span of up to at least 75 years. Should you choose one as a pet there are some things to consider for its care. They are quite active and […]
Encephalitis in Pets
Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain or spinal cord (myelitis) due to viral or bacterial infection, skull fracture, wounds, parasites or fungi. It may be idiopathic (unknown)and can be immune-mediated where the immune system attacks the brain or spinal cord. Symptoms depend on the area of the brain affected and can appear suddenly and […]