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Children’s Behavior with Dogs
Although we are discussing mainly the behavior of children with dogs, this can relate to all animals. Children are the most common victims of dog bites. Sometimes even with adult supervision, bites occur. Learning a dog’s body language and what is polite behavior to a dog can prevent most of those bites. Dogs give warning […]
Giving Your Dog Treats
Giving your dog treats rewards both of you – your dog is happy and it pleases you. But it’s important to choose the right amount of treats and that they are offered at the right time. With the problem of pet obesity growing, treats should be offered in moderation. There are a wide variety of […]
Dogs and Mean People
Researchers at Kyoto University in Japan have run tests on 18 dogs to see their response who are mean to their guardians. Their interest is in discovering whether dogs sense when people are responding what they feel is inappropriate to their humans. The dogs were divided into three groups and each dog guardian was accompanied […]