Easter Pet Safety

Easter Basket

This is just a reminder of how to keep your pets safe at Easter time.

It’s tempting to treat the kids with gifts of rabbits and ohicks, but they are living beings. Unless you are committed to keeping them as pets and will care for them, consider substituting with a stuffed animal. The kids will enjoy them as much and you have no worries about their well-being.

Most pets enjoy eating hard-boiled eggs, but the ones that have been dyed and left outdoors present a poisoning danger. And the fake plastic eggs can cause choking hazards among other dangers. Please be alert and careful about where eggs are hidden.

Fake grass in baskets can look tempting to a pet, almost like the real thing. Perhaps you can shred green veggies or use a covering that won’t harm pets.

Chocolate is always a no-no. Don’t leave chocolate or the wrappers where pets can get at them.

Same goes for candy, especially sugar-free. The sugar substitute, Xylitol is poisonous to pets, even in small amounts.

Choose plants and flowers that are pet-safe, as often dogs and cats like to nibble on them. The ASPCA has a complete list of plants and flowers that are toxic to pets.

If you enjoy dressing your pet for Easter, please choose costumes without choking hazards.

Pets can be real beggars when the family sits down to Easter dinner. But it’s best not to feed your pet at the table. While some people food is good for them, there are many foods that are toxic to pets. Bones especially can cause problems.

Following these few simple suggestions will keep your pet healthy and happy and allow you to enjoy a Happy Easter!

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