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Food and Water Equipment for Dogs
Food and water bowls come in different sizes and different materials to suit your dog and you. Some available are stainless steel, ceramic and plastic. You can personalize them by having your dog’s name printed on your bowl of choice. Most are dishwasher safe. Le Bistro is one firm that makes an electronic feeder, but […]
Parrotlets are the smallest parrots known in the world. Some people have labeled them “Pocket Parrots”. Their closest relative is the Amazon Parrot. There are different species in the family. Pacific Parrotlet (Celestial Parrotlet or Lesson’s Parrotlet) The Pacific Parrotlet is the best known and most popular. There are about 4 3/4-5 1/2in. long. Color […]
The wild animals of Afghanistan include more than 100 mammal species and more than 380 bird species. Many of Afghanistan’s animals are in danger of extinction. The most seriously endangered animals are the goitered gazelle, leopard, snow leopard, markor goat, and Bactrian deer. Birds are hunted widely and many species are becoming endangered as well. […]