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Guinea Pig Ileus
Ileus in guinea pigs has a strong stress-related component. If your guinea pig has discomfort, pain or stress, look for gastrointestinal tract problems first. In order to keep their systems functioning properly, guinea pigs need to have food going through the gastrointestinal tract almost constantly. Ileus is a slowing or stoppage of the gut workings […]
How Can Cats Jump So High
Anyone who shares their home with a cat knows what high jumpers they are. There are few high places in the house that a cat can’t reach. Height seems to give a cat a sense of security. Sitting on a shelf, a fence, a garden wall protects them from any perceived enemies such as a […]
What’s New in Cancer Treatment for Cats
Although cancer is the leading cause of death in cats, they cannot be treated safely with many of the chemotherapy agents available to dogs and humans. But as is the case for dogs and other pets, there is hope as research continues. The Morris Animal Foundation is funding a study at Cornell University by veterinarian, […]