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Incontinence in Pets
Incontinence in pets can be caused in a number of ways. Young animals may have a birth defect with one or both ureters which carry urine from kidneys to the bladder. Dog breeds prone to this defect are Siberian Huskies, Miniature Poodles, Collies, Labrador Retrievers, West Highland White Terriers, Welsh Corgis, Wire-haired Fox Terriers. It […]
Care of Diabetic Cats and Dogs
To explain, most all carbohydrates when eaten are converted into glucose. Glucose then circulates in the blood stream, entering the body’s cells to be used as energy. The pancreas produces the hormone, insulin, which allows glucose into the cells. The pancreas of a diabetic dog or cat does not produce enough insulin. When blood levels […]
Portosystemic Shunt
All unborn mammalian babies have a large shunt, a blood vessel that carries blood around the liver instead of through it to the heart. This shunt, called the ductus venous should close down just before or after birth. Sometimes it does not stop working and is a defect known as an intrahepatic (hepatic referring to […]