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Do Cats Always Land On Their Feet?
Contrary to popular belief, cats don’t always land on their feet. If cats fall a short distance, they can usually right themselves and land on their feet. They have very small collarbones which allow them to fit through small spaces and their backbones are very flexible, more so than other animals. Their spines have about […]
A Film Called “Noah”
“Noah” a film starring Russell Crowe, is an epic about the biblical tale of the Flood. It is also a story of belief, courage, sacrifice and hope. The director of the film, Darren Aronofsky, is a recipient of the HSUS Humane Filmmaker Award because instead of using live exotic animals that could be stressed or […]
What Your Dog’s Tongue Tells About Health
The tongue is not a large organ, but of course a very important one. It is made of muscle, connective and fatty tissue, blood vessels and nerves. There are small, mushroom-shaped protrusions called papillae that cover the top of the tongue and aid in tasting. A dog’s tongue has many uses besides tasting food and […]