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Silken Windhound
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: United States Group: Sighthound Height: 18-24 in. Weight: males 33-55 lbs., females 22-45 lbs. Life span: late teens, 15-18 yrs. Trainability: high Good with children: yes Good with other pets: care should be taken due to high prey drive What is the origin of the Silken Windhound? The Silken Windhound […]
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Wales Coat Type: medium long, soft, lustrous, dense Color: any color except chocolate, lavender & Himalayan Temperament: intelligent, loyal, gentle, good with children & other pets Where does the Cymric come from?: The Cymric is described as a mutation of the Manx. The Cymric has been around as long as […]
Animal Whisperers
Since the release of the movie “The Horse Whisperer” in 1998 and its re-release in 2007, there has been much interest generated in communicating with animals. There are people who claim to be whisperers for all types of animals, from pets to those in the wild. Cesar Milan, who calls himself “the Dog Whisperer” uses […]