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ASPCA Urges Support of Humane Egg Bill
Dear Animal Advocates, The vast majority of egg-producing hens in our country live in miserable and cruel conditions. Thankfully, important legislation has been introduced in Congress to help improve these animals’ lives. The Egg Products Inspection Act Amendments of 2012 (S. 3239/H.R. 3798) represents a joint effort between the egg industry and animal protection groups […]
Animal Farming
Farm animals are a great blessing to the humanity. Horses, Cattle, Chickens, Sheep, Pigs, Turkeys, Dogs, Goats, Ducks, Geese are the farm animals. These are the domestic animals. When we hear about Farm House, we may remember George Orwell when he describes the solidarity of all four legged animals as a satire against humans who […]
Horse Safety
Raising a horse is a great experience but also a big responsibility. Below are some tips for keeping your horse safe and for ensuring human safety while interacting with a horse. Protecting the horses Use a lead rope and not just a halter, since the horse could become agitated by the perception of danger and […]