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Finland claims to be the last wilderness in Europe. The country has large lakes and forests and a fairly small population relative to its size. There are at least sixty native mammal species, 248 breeding bird species, over seventy fish species and eleven reptile and frog species in Finland today. Finland’s cold climate is home […]
Why is my pet refusing to eat?
Is your pet normally a chow hound? If your pet is refusing food, the first thing to do is check for signs of illness. Does your pet have diarrhea or vomiting? Is your pet drinking enough water? If you suspect that your pet is ill, then a trip to the vet is necessary. If your […]
Diabetes in Cats
Diabetes in cats appears to be on the increase these days. Diabetes occurs when the hormone insulin, produced by the pancreas, is not regulating the flow of glucose. Glucose is needed by cells to supply energy. Without enough insulin, the cat’s body begins to break down stored fats and proteins for energy. The cat may […]