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The human factor and the pet food supplement industry
Much has been said about how the relationship between people and their favorite pets affects both sides. According to one popular theory, pets tend to resemble their caregivers. Another old adage links human obesity to the tendency of their dogs to suffer from overweight. Now, another link has been discovered, indicating that there is a […]
Has a Vet Harmed Your Furry Companion
We know that everyone makes mistakes that may have unintentional consequences. There may be a time when we come up against a veterinarian who is uncaring and incompetent and causes harm – injury or death – to our pet. When your beloved pet is involved in such a situation, it can be devastating. You can […]
Pets and Pregnancy
If you’re a pet lover and thinking about getting pregnant or already pregnant you may be wondering whether your family pet poses any risks to your pregnancy. Dogs don’t pose any health risks for you or your baby. A larger dog who is used to jumping on you may need to be trained to refrain […]