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Dogs and Illegal Drugs
Dogs will ingest just about anything, including things that are not good for them. Marijuana is not a substance you want your dog to get into. The active ingredient in marijuana is Tetrahydrocannibinol (THC). THC is found in the leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant. Hashish also contains THC and is extracted in the […]
Sunburst Butterflyfish
The Sunburst Butterflyfish, found in the tropical Indo-Pacific from the Red Sea to Hawaii, is also called the Black-lipped Butterflyfish and Klein’s Butterflyfish. This fish is yellowish brown with 1-2 broad lighter vertical bars. It has a black bar across the eyes. It is an easy fish to keep and suitable for beginners. Males and […]
Stem Cell Therapy for Pets
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to become specialized cells such as skin, bones, muscles, etc. The two main sources of stems cells are embryos at the embryonic stage of development (blastocyst) and adult tissue. They can be found in bone marrow, blood vessels, muscles, skin, liver, the brain, nasal mucosa, fatty […]