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The word axolotl (pronounced ´axe-ah-lot-l´) is derived from a Nahuatl word (the language spoken by the Aztecs) that has been variously translated as ´servant of the water´, ´water-dog´ and ´water-doll´, among other things. These creatures are a species of salamander. Unlike the salamander, axolotls retain some larval characteristics throughout their entire lives, including the gills, […]
Is a Raw Diet Good for Cats and Dogs
Feeding a raw diet to your pet has become very popular over the last few years. After all, wasn’t raw the original food our pets ate and on which they thrived. While there is a lot of controversy about the topic, mainly from some pet food manufacturers, feeding a raw diet has much to recommend […]
Equine Vaccine Reactions
Vaccines are crucial to horses’ health, keeping them disease-free. However side effects, although not common, can occur. After vaccination, a horse may experience achiness and a slight fever, swelling at the injection site, soreness in the neck area. These effects usually abate in a couple of days. Some horses can have severe reactions to vaccinations, […]