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Spotted Coral Croucher
The Spotted Coral Croucher is not always easily available. However, it is not particularly expensive and has a very unique look. This fish is found in the tropical Indo-Pacific. The males and females are both 2 in. Gobies who share the same type of environment may be problematic, but it won’t fight with other species. […]
No Kill Advocacy Reports on Safest Day
The No Kill Advocacy Center reports success on their No Kill Just One Day Campaign campaign. June 11, 2012 we asked shelters across the country to stop killing so that we can become a No Kill nation for Just One Day. We challenged them to put down the “euthanasia needles” and pick up cameras instead: […]
French Heartworm
There are several types of worms that can infect our pets. Angiostrongylus vasorum known also as lungworm and French heartworm is a parasite that can live and infect the pulmonary arteries and right ventricle of the heart of wild and domestic canines – wolves, foxes, coyotes and dogs. It was discovered in Toulouse, France in […]