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Spinal Cord Stroke in Dogs
A spinal cord stroke or infarction in medical terms is called a fibrocartiliginous embolism (FCE). It is a blockage of a blood vessel in the spinal cord. An FCE can occur in humans, pigs, dogs, cats and horses. The small bones of the vertebral column protects the spinal cord and are joined together by invertebral […]
New Strain of Parvovirus
Parvovirus can be a deadly disease in unvaccinated dogs and those with compromised immune systems. Parvovirus is highly contagious spreading through dog to dog contact, infected dog’s equipment such as crates, leashes, collars, food and water bowls. People who handle infected dogs can transmit the disease with their hands and clothing. Now another virulent strain […]
Viral Papillomas in Dogs
Small, circular skin tumors known commonly as warts are caused by the papilloma virus. The virus has a 1-2 month incubation period and can be transmitted to other dogs through direct contact with a lesion. It CANNOT be transmitted to humans or other animals. It is very rare that the warts become cancerous. These wart-like […]