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What foods are unsafe for pets to eat?
We love our pets and want to share our lives with them, but sharing certain foods can be deadly. Here is a list of some of the foods NOT to feed your pets. They are not listed in any order of importance. If you know of any other foods that can be dangerous for our […]
Fear of Vet Visits
Our pets don’t understand that veterinarians help keep them healthy and will help them feel better if they are ill. As territorial creatures, cats are easily upset in unfamiliar surroundings. Both cats and dogs may not like the medicinal odor in a vet’s office. They can also sense if we or other pets and their […]
American Curl
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: United States Coat Type: silky, long & short haired Color: all cat colors & patterns Temperament: affectionate, people-oriented, get along with other pets Where does the American Curl come from? The first American Curl was originally found in Lakewood, California. In 1981, two longhair kittens were found by the Ruga […]