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Effects of What We Wear on Dogs
We know that prey animals use defensive measures that mimic other dangerous animals in order to fool predators. For example, the Scarlet Kingmaker’s stripes help him look like the poisonous coral snake to avoid predators. Called “Aposemitism”, it means warning coloration in which prey use adaptations of color and/or color patterns to mislead predators. At […]
How to Prepare Your Pet for a New Baby
The arrival of a new baby is a time for joy in the household and many changes as well. It’s important for your pet to learn to adjust and accept the baby as a family member. Sounds, smells, new noises are new experiences for your pet. Here are some tips to make the transition easier […]
Digging Dogs
Most dogs given the opportunity, the time and the place will dig. And they dig indiscriminately, generally in your favorite flower bed. What can we do to prevent digging? Well, let’s examine some reasons for digging and options to discourage it. Dogs dig for a number of reasons and it can be a very difficult […]