Dog training can be both fun and fulfilling. Unfortunately, it can also be a source of great frustration. For this reason it is important to learn to teach your dog.
Basic obedience training is necessary so that your dog will be pleasant to live with. Basic obedience includes being housebroken and responding appropriately to commands such as “sit,” “lie down,” and “come.” Once your dog has mastered these tasks, it is possible to train him to participate in dog shows.
Articles on dog training:
- Adopting a Puppy Mill Pup
- Choosing a Dog Trainer
- Clicker Training
- Controlling Excessive Barking
- DAID Training for Dogs
- Do Dogs Have Phobias
- Dog Training in Relation to the Milgram Experiment
- First Lesson in Dog Training
- Geocaching with Dogs
- How do I train my dog?
- Is Your Dog Reliable Off-Leash
- Israel Develops First Alzheimer’s Dog
- Jog/Run With Your Dog
- Living with Dogs in Urban Areas
- Male Dogs and Marking
- Matching People and Service Dogs
- Positive Training
- Puppy Place
- Schutzhund
- Search and Rescue Dogs
- Simple And Effective Dog Training Tips
- So You Think Your Dog is Dumb
- Swimming Pool Safety for Dogs
- Teach Your Dog to Swim
- Teaching Your Dog Hand Signals
- Teaching Your Dog the Stay Command
- Teaching Your Dog to Come on Command
- The Importance of Leashing Your Dog
- Train Your Small Pup
- Trainability
- Trainers and Classes for Dogs
- Training Pups to Use a Litterbox
- Training Your Dog in Case of Fire
- Tug-Of-War – Good or Bad
- What to Do When Dogs Fight
- Why Dog Urine Kills Grass
- Why Dogs Growl