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“Just a Pet”
How many of you have heard these words – “it’s just a dog” or a cat or a horse or substitute any beloved pet. They are like a knife in your heart. <ads media=googleAds1 /> Some people, without realizing the pain they cause, tell us how foolish we are to spend so much money on […]
Yellow Swallowtail Angelfish
Males up to 7 in., females smaller. Except for Wrasses and some Triggerfish which may be a problem, other fish will react well. Minimum size tank for a female is 93 gal., for a male, 120 gal., for a pair at least 132 gal.. Best kept singly or in a male/female pairing. Found widespread from […]
Understanding Arthritis in Cats and Dogs
Humans aren’t the only ones who have to deal with arthritis. Dogs and cats are both susceptible to it as they age. Arthritis is sometimes caused by infection of the joint, but most likely it’s just due to wear and tear throughout the years. Unfortunately, pets can’t explain their symptoms, which can make it hard […]