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Pet Intelligence
How intelligent is your pet? Research on animal intelligence is a fairly new field but a lot has been learned about how animals think. Charles Darwin, when explaining how human intelligence developed, theorized that it must have developed from animal intelligence. He argued that animals face the same challenges humans do – finding a mate, […]
Greek Tortoise
The Greek Tortoise habitats include Southern Spain, Northern Africa, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. They can be found from dunes at the seashore to mountain steppes, usually in hot, arid climates. They will dig burrows when summer temperatures are too hot or in winter, too cold. These Tortoises are shy critters, but once they […]
Why Do Cats Scratch and Rub?
If your favorite easy chair has cat claw marks on it, you’ve probably wondered why your would do such a thing when s/he has such a good life. Actually it’s a natural, instinctive act, no reflection on your cat’s treatment. Besides vocalization, scratching is a form of communication, indoors or out. Your cat has scent […]