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Do Birds Make Good Pets?
Birds make excellent pets, especially for people whose lifestyle precludes owning dogs or cats. If your living situation makes it difficult to walk a dog and you’re looking for a companionable pet, consider a bird. Birds are great companions and many of them can be taught to talk. Birds are highly intelligent and learn quickly. […]
FDA Caution – Chicken Jerky Treats
The FDA cautions that there may be an association of illness in dogs and the consumption of Chicken Jerky Treats. The products, sometimes called chicken tenders, strips or treats, are imported from China. The FDA continues to receive complaints of sick dogs that owners or veterinarians associate with eating the chicken jerky. A warning was […]
Dogs and Ancient Burials
As pet parents, we mourn the loss of our pets as we consider them part of the family. When a beloved dog dies, many of us choose to bury him/her in a special place, perhaps with some of the articles s/he loved. But we in modern times, are not the only ones to share these […]