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Head Pressing in Pets
Both dogs and cats butt their heads and rub against us when looking for food or attention or just to show love. But head pressing is a different behavior. If you see your dog or cat pressing the top of the head against furniture, walls, floors or any hard surfaces for no discernable reason, it […]
Dippity Pig Syndrome
The medical term for Dippity Pig Syndrome is Erythema Multiforme. It means a reddening of the skin, generally in patches and occurs in pot bellied pigs and usually affects pigs under 2 years of age. Dippity Pig Syndrome occurs suddenly. The name refers to the way the pig seems to dip his/her back to ease […]
Scottish Fold
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: China, Scotland Coat Type: All colors of cat Color: Siamese-like colors & markings Temperament: affectionate, loyal, loves people, good with children & other pets Where does the Scottish Fold come from? It seems a cat with folded ears was brought to Europe from China by an English sailor in the […]