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Limb Spare Surgery Options for OS
The gold standard for dogs with osteosarcoma, bone cancer, is amputation and chemotherapy. However there are other options available for dogs that may not be able to undergo amputation. 1. One option is to cut out the cancer-affected bone. The diseased bone is then replaced by a donor bone or cement spacer. It is secured […]
Western Hognose
The Western Hognose snake is known by a number of names including the Puff Adder and Plains Hognose. The Hognose has become a popular pet because of its availability, its wonderful colors, patterns and mutations and its ease of care. The Western Hognose was classified in the 19th century as a non-venomous, medium sized, diurnal […]
Microchip ID
Microchip IDs are used to identify pets who have wandered away from home. They are more secure than collars since they are embedded under the skin and can’t fall off and get lost. Each microchip has a unique number which matches the owner’s information in a central database. They can be inserted in dogs, cats, […]