Is Your Bird Overweight

Is your bird becoming a little butterball? The can happen due to overfeeding and under-exercising.

But before you put your bird on a diet, consult with your avian veterinarian to make sure that puffiness is not due to a medical problem. If all is well, you can ask your vet to help you create a diet/exercise routine.

While there are low fat diets available for birds, you may simply have to feed less. Offer pellets in place of seeds. Vegetables are a good choice too. Wash them well or if possible, use organically grown. Limit fruits and seeds to occasional treats.

You can provide your bird with exercise in several ways. Consider purchasing a larger, roomy cage to increase exercise space.

Place the food dish at one end of the cage and the water dish at the other end.

Provide ladders, swings and toys that encourage exercise. Always make sure the toys are appropriate for your bird’s size.

There are a number of different types of play gyms some of which will be suited to your particular bird.

Out of cage time allows your bird to fly around, using up some of those extra calories.

You can keep check on your bird’s weight at home with a Digital Bird Scale. Finally, keep watch on your bird’s droppings and behavior to make sure s/he remains healthy and happy.

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