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More Updates on Chicken Jerky
We’ve reported on the danger of feeding your dog chicken jerky products from China since problems were exposed in 2007 with FDA warnings of them causing illness and in some cases, death to dogs. To date, the FDA has not been able to pinpoint the ingredient(s) in chicken jerky that causes illness. Dogs who have […]
International Polar Bear Day
International Polar Bear Day is celebrated on February 27. The day is dedicated to learning more about polar bears and the dangers they face. The polar bear is related to the brown bear and probably evolved from brown bears which became isolated from the rest of their species. Brown bears and polar bears can mate […]
How do you treat hairballs in cats?
My cat seems to suffer from hairballs a lot. I feed her food that is supposed to reduce them, but it doesn’t seem to have any affect. Is there something that I can do to prevent hairballs? Is there something to do for her when she starts heaving? If you want to impress your vet […]