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Keeping Your Bird Healthy in Winter
Heated houses in winter tend to remove humidity from the air. This can cause your bird to have dry skin and itchiness. It can lead to your bird plucking out feathers due to the discomfort. One way to help eliminate the problem is to bathe your bird more often. Your bird should always be placed […]
Counter Surfing Food Stealing Dogs
When dogs reach up and take a piece of food, they don’t think of it as stealing or getting away with something. It’s just natural for them to take food that smells good to them. Of course it’s not something we want to encourage and there are a number of ways to deal with the […]
Bonding with Your Chinchilla
Chinchillas are social animals and in the wild they live together in what is called herds. As prey animals, they are very cautious and can be shy and frightened when faced with new situations. When bringing your chinchilla home, give him/her time to get used to the new surroundings. As they are so easily startled, […]