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Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome
Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome (FHS) can affect cats at any age but is more common in adult cats. While FHS can occur in any sex or breed, purebred cats such as Abyssinians, Siamese, Burmese and Himalayans seem more prone to its development. Although the cause of FHS appears to be idiopathic (of unknown origin), suspected causes […]
Canines and Cars
Most dogs enjoy riding in cars. They are delighted to be out with their best friend, seeing sights and hearing sounds that are new and interesting. But there are dangerous situations which can turn deadly while driving with your dog. It may look cute to see a dog hanging out of a car window, seemingly […]
HSUS Ranks States on Animal Welfare
The HSUS has ranked states on their roles in animal welfare for 2011. Here are the results. California comes in Number One. The state has enacted nearly a dozen new laws in 2011 for the welfare of animals. New Jersey and Oregon tied for 2nd place and Illinois and Massachusetts tied for 4th place. The […]