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A Victory in Florida
Thanks to the efforts of Best Friends, there is a victory in Florida. Governor Rick Scott has just signed into law Senate Bill 722 spearheaded by Best Friends and sponsored by Rep. Garcia of Miami and Sen. Norman of Tampa. The law states that dogs in Florida, saved from dog-fighting busts, will no longer be […]
Animal Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care has been practiced at least since the beginning of recorded history. The Chinese and Greeks used the techniques before the birth of Christ. Animal chiropractic care has been used for decades. Today, veterinary practitioners of chiropractic care are specially trained. In choosing one, be sure s/he is licensed and board certified. Chiropractic can […]
Asthma in Pets
Asthma, also known as allergic bronchitis, is more common in cats than dogs, but occurs in both. It is also more common in young or middle-aged pets. Asthma sufferers respond the same whether human or animal. Siamese and Himalayan cats appear to be more prone to asthma. Some of the causes of asthma can be […]