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Falcons and Falconry
The sport of falconry is believed to go as far back as 680 B.C. in China. It was probably introduced to Europe arouned 400 A.D. with the Huns and Alans invasions. Falconry now applies to all trained birds of prey used to catch game. The term falconer means one who flies a falcon. Austringer is […]
Birds Molting Their Feathers
Although their structure is different, a bird’s feathers can be compared to hair and nails in humans. Just as hair and nails are renewed, old, worn, damaged feathers are replaced by new ones through the process called molting. Hormones play a part in molting s do changes of season. New feathers can identify the sex […]
Weaning a Pet Off Prednisone
Discontinuing the use of prednisone suddenly can cause serious side effects in your pet. Weaning should be a gradual process. Prednisone is a corticosteroid administered in the treatment of a number of conditions including allergies, adrenal gland deficiencies, joint diseases, as an immune system suppressor and more. The use of prednosone has many beneficial effects, […]